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Recommendations for Helpline Design & Operation from People with Lived Experience of Modern Slavery

SlaveCheck is pleased to present our report on recommendations on modern slavery helplines from people with lived experience with a focus on Australia and New Zealand.


People with varied lived experience of modern slavery in Australia and New Zealand give their perspectives on why survivors often don't reach out for help and the barriers they face. They provide valuable insights on how a helpline should function, both technically and operationally, to gain the trust of those seeking help. The report also looks at survivor engagement in staffing helplines and the involvement of survivor networks.


This research led to 16 recommendations, the most significant being that first responders, who answer the call for help, must be trauma informed.


Other recommendations include:


  • The Australian and New Zealand governments create and operate dedicated modern slavery helplines


  • Callers stay in control of how their case is responded to.


  • Survivors are included in first responder staffing.

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