About The SlaveCheck Foundation
The SlaveCheck Foundation was founded in 2023 as an Australian registered charity with a global mission to systematically eliminate the root causes of modern slavery.

Systematic Relief and Lasting Change
The SlaveCheck Foundation was formed to provide relief of distress, suffering and poverty for people trapped in - or at risk of being trapped in - modern slavery throughout the world, and to systematically eliminate the root causes of the global modern slavery problem.
A System-Level Solution to a Complex Global Problem
To address the scale and complexity of modern slavery, The SlaveCheck Foundation applies a strategic, coordinated approach:
Technologies and Processes
Leading new frontiers in cutting-edge AI, global collaboration management, crowdsourcing and data science.
Thought Leadership
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of subject matter experts globally to guide the necessary system-level changes.
Advocacy and Legislation
Facilitating the implementation and harmonisation of effective anti-slavery laws across all 193 UN members.
Uniting governments, businesses, civil society, investors and consumers in a coordinated global response.
Globally Scalable Impact
Rolling out the first ever system-level modern slavery solution backed by the experience and financial resources to deliver global impact.
A Commitment to Lead the Elimination of Modern Slavery
With over 50 million people trapped in modern slavery, this pervasive crime demands a coordinated global response. The SlaveCheck Foundation is committed to leading, coordinating and managing – at scale – the collaborations necessary to systematically eliminate the root causes of the modern slavery.

Leading a Global Slavery Elimination Program
The SlaveCheck Foundation is a registered Australian charity established with a global mission to lead, coordinate and manage the global slavery elimination program through a framework of integrated programs and projects supported by state-of-the art technologies, processes and AI.
SlaveCheck’s SaaS-based Collective Intelligence technologies – which integrate human intelligence with artificial intelligence – allow this to be co-ordinated at scale in order to address the magnitude of the global modern slavery problem.
Civil Society Engagement & Collaboration Program
A new paradigm in sustainably harnessing the human intelligence and geographical spread of civil society
The ‘human intelligence’ side of the SlaveCheck solution relies upon civil society organisations — faith-based groups; industry bodies; umbrella and in-field NGOs; trade unions; research institutions - for their proven expertise in advocacy, investigation, remediation and monitoring of modern slavery, whether directly through human services and/or via their technologies and data that support – or have the potential to support – SlaveCheck’s common global mission, to systematically eliminate modern slavery.
Forms of civil society engagement may include:
- Paid in-field assignments or projects
- Retainers for ongoing services which are part of a slavery-elimination program
- Technology partnerships including free technical support for your technologies – strategy, design, build, integration, deployment, continuous improvement – if they can support the SlaveCheck mission
- A paid subscription for your data if it can add value to the SlaveCheck data model
- Support for your projects and programs - technology, advisory, collaboration management, project management
- Financial support for your projects and programs
To inquire about partnering withSlaveCheck, please contact us.
Corporate Compliance & Legislation Harmonisation Program
Working towards harmonised global compliance legislation by 2030
SlaveCheck’s customers are large organisations who are either compelled to comply with any or all of the various anti-slavery legislation around the world, or who have large procurement programs which they voluntarily elect to SlaveCheck simply because it’s the right thing to do.
SlaveCheck offers a one-stop-shop to organisations who have a need to comply with anti-slavery legislation. What this means is that you can comply with any legislation globally using your digital Slavery Risk Profile (SRP) in the SlaveCheck platform.
To keep up with new requirements as governments enact anti-slavery legislation, SlaveCheck incorporates any new requirements into its SRP. With all 193 UN member countries having signed UNSDG8.7 to eliminate all forms of slavery by 2030, it would be ineffective and unsustainable to expect organisations to comply annually with 193 different sets of modern slavery compliance requirements.
Because we are all fighting a common enemy – modern slavery – SlaveCheck’s vision is that we should fight as a single army, with modern slavery compliance legislation converging to a harmonised global standard by 2030.
This program is about leading, facilitating and coordinating this common objective.
To inquire about supporting or participating in this program, please contact us.
Communications & Media Relations Program
Raising Global Awareness of Modern Slavery
The rich G20 countries consume over 80% of slave made goods, even though research conducted by SlaveCheck indicates consumers are outraged about the thought of purchasing slave-made goods.
How could this disconnect occur? The logical conclusion is that consumers simply don’t know about modern slavery. Why is there not global outrage that behind the seafood we import, 66 Titanic's of people (+100,000) die at sea each year? There are dozens of situations like this behind the products we consume – out of sight, out of mind.
Could there be any more important job for the media than alerting the world to 49million people – mostly women and children – trapped in a daily hell that few will ever leave? And growing at over 5,000 every day?
This program is about combining financial resources with the best available modern slavery data, information and intel to craft powerful narratives, leverage platforms effectively, and mobilise diverse audiences including:
- Documentary and film projects
- Investigative journalism
- Social media campaigns
- Collaborating with influencers and celebrities
- Government and corporate partnerships for ethical initiatives and programs
- Global awareness events, programs, competitions
To inquire about supporting or participating in this program, please contact us.
Law Enforcement Collaboration & Support Program
Increasing victim identification and reducing criminal impunity
Slave traders are currently winning the war on modern slavery. Global data provided by Governments to the US Department of State for 2022 reveal worryingly low rates of victim identification (115,324 victims out of 49.6 million = 0.0023%) and worryingly high rates of criminal impunity (15,159 prosecutions and 5,777 convictions = 99.97%) making modern slavery the perfect crime.
It will not be easy to shift these metrics by virtue of entrenched system-level characteristics of the modern slavery problem that have combined to produce the current status quo, including:
- Highly sophisticated criminal networks running the slavery industry
- Global supply chains that are highly sophisticated yet lack transparency or product traceability, providing criminals with operational anonymity, flexibility and mobility;
- Under-resourced or non-existent specialist in-country law enforcement
- Limited or no actionable slavery data due to poor or non-existent engagement of / collaboration with in-field civil society operatives and a lack of interoperability between global data silos.
This program is about the SlaveCheck ecosystem supporting the global law enforcement community to improve these metrics including:
- Supporting in-field civil society operatives with mobile and desktop technologies to facilitate centralised coordination of slavery incident reports
- Providing interoperability between global data silos
- Applying AI to identify trends and triangulate victim identification using supply chain transparency and traceability data, in-field human intelligence and over 100 different sources of non-supply chain data
- Law enforcement-guided Collective Intelligence campaigns across the SlaveCheck ecosystem to progressively develop solutions to problems and challenges as they arise.
To inquire about supporting or participating in this program, please contact us.
Consumer Engagement, Education & Empowerment Program
Empowering consumers to make informed buying decisions
End-consumers are unwittingly sustaining modern slavery by buying the goods they produce. Research conducted by SlaveCheck showed that consumers are ready and willing to play their part in eliminating modern slavery:
- Consumers overwhelmingly rate ending slavery as a higher priority than climate change
- 87% of consumers would not buy a product if they knew it was made by a slave
- 65% of consumers would pay more for a product if it was certified slave free
- 92% of consumers believe it is the responsibility of a business to know if their products are produced by slaves
- 86%of consumers believe it is the Government’s role to step in and ensure that businesses are aware of any forms of slavery occurring in their supply chain
- 86%of consumers believe businesses should be required to label their products as slave-free or slave-made
- Only 29% of consumers have heard of modern slavery
This program is about giving consumers what they need to make informed buying decisions at point of sale: a barcode scanning app backed up by the latest product slavery status data; regular webinars and newsletters; social media feeds.
To inquire about supporting or participating in this program, please contact us.
Government Liaison & Advisory Program
Supporting governments in a coordinated worldwide approach to eliminating modern slavery
This program is a multi-faceted approach to supporting governments globally in enacting effective anti-slavery legislation, improving policy frameworks, coordinating enforcement, raising in-country awareness, and driving systemic change. The critical components of the program include:
- A dedicated, multi-faceted expert Liaison Team
- Legislative and Policy Alignment
- Interagency Coordination
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Data and Technology Integration
- Integrated In-Country Victim Response Plans
- Awareness and Education targeting businesses, frontline workers, and the general public
- Suitably resourced and trained law enforcement, border agents, and judiciary staff
- Monitoring and Accountability Governance
- Sustainable Funding
- International alignment and Cooperation between ILO, UNODC, and Interpol
To inquire about supporting or participating in this program, please contact us.
Administrative, Finance & Governance Program
The SlaveCheck Foundation’s internal board and executive functions
All aspects of administration of the charity – in Australia and internationally – including:
- CEO and Executive Leadership Team
- Fundraising, capital management, accounting, auditing and reporting
- International donor relations
- Regulatory compliance
- HR including overseeing staff and volunteers
- Policy development, implementation and monitoring
+ Other Partnership Programs & Projects
Your partner of choice for delivering on your modern slavery objectives
The SlaveCheck Foundation is open to partnering with other organisations for modern slavery programs or projects specific to their needs, industry or areas of responsibility:
- Governments
- Corporations
- Investors and Fund Managers
- Faith-Based Groups
- Industry bodies
- Umbrella and In-Field NGOs
- Trade Unions
- Research Institutions
To inquire about a partnership program or project with The SlaveCheck Foundation, please contact us.
Driving Change with Proven Experience and Vision

Conceived, funded and led the SlaveCheck initiative since its inception in 2018

Coordinating SlaveCheck's human intelligence partnerships with Civil Society Organisations

Leading the corporate and governance aspects for the international expansion of the for-purpose side of SlaveCheck

Guiding SlaveCheck’s global strategy for the systematic elimination of modern slavery

Guiding SlaveCheck’s inter-governmental advisory and advocacy programs

Leading corporate engagement and social impact fundraising strategies for the for-purpose side of SlaveCheck

Design and support of philanthropic and social impact fundraising strategies for the for-purpose side of SlaveCheck
Join Us in Systematic Action
Align your organisation with the global movement to end modern slavery. Together, we can transform supply chains, protect the vulnerable, and ensure dignity for all.